The Query Tool lets you access a wide range of data through a user friendly interface, expanding the kinds of reports you can put together using the dashboard. This functionality is available to admins, analysts, developers and users with read-only access. The tool includes data on:

In order to run a query, you will need to select the source or sources, date range and the fields you would like to see in the report. You can also add filters via the 'Add filters' button. The Query Tool filter supports both AND/OR filters. The option to apply an OR filter will appear once you have already applied a filter. You can select it from the drop down that will show 'AND' by default. Once you have selected OR, this condition will apply for every additional filter you add.

Once you've successfully run a query, the results will be returned in a table which you can export as a  CSV. Please note, if the download exceeds our 1GB limit, you may need to adjust the date range or fields selected.

Selecting multiple sources

You can select multiple data sources for your query. What you choose as a main source impacts the results of your query. Every row from the selected main source will be returned and additional data from the related source will be added where they match to an ID in the main source.

For example, if you selected ‘Comments’ as your main source and added ‘Customers’ as a related source and set the date range to last 7 days, this would return all comments made in the last 7 days as well as the additional customer data associated with any customers with a comment in the last 7 days.

If you selected ‘Customers’ as your main source and added ‘Comments’ as related source, you would get a table with data showing all customers from the last 7 days as well as any comment data associated with any of those customers.

Due to the underlying structure of the data, not every source is possible to combine.

Aggregate queries