<aside> 🚢 New Customer Profile is live for everyone.


Hello 👋,

We're excited to announce a series of major updates coming to the Customer Profile in our dashboard over the next few weeks. These improvements are designed to enhance your ability to investigate fraud and abuse by providing richer data and deeper insights, and will also enable new workflows and investigative methods.

Why the change?

Over the past five years, we've incorporated an increasing number of data points in the dashboard to tackle payment fraud, while also broadening our focus to address new challenges like 3DS, refund abuse, account takeover and supplier fraud. In tandem with this, the average screen size of dashboard users has been steadily growing. So we're upgrading our dashboard to more effectively showcase your data and our insights, and to better support diverse investigations. Our aim is to significantly enhance the speed and ability to investigate fraud and take decisive action against bad actors on your platform.

The changes in more detail

We're introducing these updates in phases for a smooth transition:

First up, we have:

<aside> 🚢 New Customer Profile and Event Peeks are live for everyone.


Payment Method Peek on the Customer Profile

Payment Method Peek on the Customer Profile

In the following months, we'll add:


Later on, we plan to introduce: