The Ethoca Outcome Uploader allows you to manually upload a CSV file of Ethoca alert IDs and outcomes that will be processed in bulk. Please note this feature is only accessible to admin users.

Simply download the Ethoca Outcome Uploader Template and populate the required fields. The values required for each field in the template can be found in the comments of the header row in the sheet. Once you have populated the template, upload the file.

All uploads are recorded in the Activity Feed. Any missing disputes will be marked in the report with not found and skipped. The report will say the job was completed with errors.

While a bulk tagging job is in progress, refreshing the page will show the latest upload status in line.

Note that only one job may be run at one time, additionally uploaded jobs will be queued.

On completion of a job, the job status field will show if the job has been successfully completed, and a success report will be available for download:

A maximum file size of 25mb is permitted, which is equivalent to approximately 250k outcomes.