Connect lets you see connections across customers, emails, telephone numbers, devices and credit cards in a simple, easy-to-use visualisation. It can be used to investigate fake accounts or uncover fraud rings.

You can search for a customer’s email address, phone number or ID and instantly see what their network looks like, providing important context to your investigation.

Creating Networks

Ravelin creates networks by connecting customers that share any of the following:

Discovering Networks

Here you can see an overview of fastest growing and biggest networks across your customers as well as a summary of the most connected entities (phones, emails, devices, customers, cards) under the Discover tab.

If a network exists you will see a network overview and the network graph with all the connections.

You can also access a customer’s network by clicking the 'View Connect' button on the customer's profile page.

Identifying Fraud

On a customer's network page, the left-hand panel displays stats about the customers in the network. A customer's network contains fraud if there is one or more reviewed fraudster or chargeback within the network.

To view how a customer is connected to a fraud source, click the 'Direct Path' toggle. This will display the customer's closest path to a fraud source.

Direct Path to Fraud

The Direct Path to Fraud toggle allows you to view the direct connection to a fraud score. Fraud sources include chargebacks and customers who are reviewed as fraudsters.