Case assignment functionality is an optional add-on to your existing experience, and is designed to optimise your manual review process through assigning cases to individuals in your team.

Depending on how whether you manually review Customers or Orders as part of your daily process, cases can be assigned at either the Customer or Order level.

A new Assignee column will appear in Explore, allowing you to assign cases and to see which team member is assigned to which case:

Once assigned, the team members initials will appear in the Assignee column:

"Review Assigned" filters in Explore will allow you to filter by Customers or Orders assigned to a certain individual or individuals, or to cases that are either assigned/unassigned:

Cases can also be bulk assigned (20 cases at a time) using the checkbox at the top of the list, and the selecting an individual with the Assign dropdown:

On the customer profile, assignment is shown either in the Customer Overview for Customer assignment or the Orders for Order assignment. The assignee can also be changed here:

Please contact Ravelin if you're interested in enabling Case Assignment for your account.